>>>LISTA DE ID'S DE SHOP'S (At.1/04/2011)<<(FIXO) Atenaa10


SINTA-SE AVONTADE PARA PASSEAR! Tenha uma boa estadia!


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>>>LISTA DE ID'S DE SHOP'S (At.1/04/2011)<<(FIXO) Atenaa10


SINTA-SE AVONTADE PARA PASSEAR! Tenha uma boa estadia!


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Olá Amigos e membros do forum AQW Imperadores, estou aki so pra falar sobre o futuro do forum. Como sabem, eu Nao estou mais jogando devido ao meu char que foi banido a um tempo atras, e desisti de recuperar, entao nao tenho mais motivos nem animo pra manter o forum atualizado, entao como ja devem ter notado,ele esta abandonado. os posts e todo conteudo nao apagarei, muito menos o forum, ate pq nao consigo acabar com toda essa nossa trilhagem. entao se alguem ainda quizer entrar e postar, ajudar seus amigos aki postando atualizaçoes, estarei dando permissao para todos postarem, diante das regras claro. quem se mostrar mto ativo, estarei dando admin para cuidarem da ordem, e tentarem levantar o imperio novamente. se conseguirem, estarei passando a liderança para ele e junto. o poder do painel de controle. entao quem quizer ajudar, so registrar e postar, estarei me notificando dos posts pelo meu Celular e verei os membros q estao se destacando e esforçando. quem conseguir levantar o forum, tambem estarei doando 2mil acs quando ele estiver ativo novamente. Desde ja agradeço a toda familia Imperadores. amo muito isso aki e todas as amizades aki feitas. Mais a vida continua, e nao vo ser egoista prendendo este forum pro esquecimento. Bom Jogo e bom trabalho. Que o imperio se Erga aki.


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» [BOT] Dark Mystic 4.1 [BOT], bora galera que tiver ainda jogando aqui vai
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>>>LISTA DE ID'S DE SHOP'S (At.1/04/2011)<<(FIXO) EmptyTer 5 Nov - 22:41 por IIIZikaDoBagui

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    >>>LISTA DE ID'S DE SHOP'S (At.1/04/2011)<<(FIXO)



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    >>>LISTA DE ID'S DE SHOP'S (At.1/04/2011)<<(FIXO) Empty >>>LISTA DE ID'S DE SHOP'S (At.1/04/2011)<<(FIXO)

    Mensagem por FelipeWinchester Dom 7 Nov - 11:08

    Para achar o Shop que Voce Procura aperte ''CTRL F'' e Digite o nome ou id na Barra Peskisar Acima ^^

    Shop 1: Level 1
    Shop 2:
    Shop 3: Level 3**
    Shop 4: Level 5**
    Shop 5: Beta Shop^^^
    Shop 6: WarpForce Shop
    Shop 7:
    Shop 8: Helm Shop**
    Shop 9: PirateShop
    Shop 10: Upgrade Only
    Shop 11: AdventureCoin^^
    Shop 12: Pet Shop^^
    Shop 13: Warlic’s Shop**
    Shop 14: Halloween Armor/Pet Shop 10
    Shop 15: Dwakel Shop
    Shop 16: Free Player Shop
    Shop 17:
    Shop 18:
    Shop 19:
    Shop 20:
    Shop 21: Non-member’s Class Armor Shop Tier 1
    Shop 22: Warrior Upgrade
    Shop 23: Mage Upgrade
    Shop 24: Healer Upgrade
    Shop 25: Rogue Upgrade
    Shop 26:
    Shop 27: Assassin Class
    Shop 28: Bubble Mogloween 2010
    Shop 29: Toil Mogloween 2010
    Shop 30: Trouble Mogloween 2010
    Shop 31: Battleon Assorted Shop***
    Shop 32: Cane Shop**
    Shop 33:
    Shop 34: Christmas ’09 Shop #1***
    Shop 35: Christmas ’09 Shop #2***
    Shop 36: Christmas ’09 Shop #3***
    Shop 37:
    Shop 38: Dragonslayer Class**
    Shop 39: Book Wyrms**
    Shop 40: Artix Shop
    Shop 41: Armor Shop**
    Shop 42: Platinum Axe of Destiny
    Shop 43:
    Shop 44: Murry’s Shop***
    Shop 45: Chaos Shop
    Shop 46: Pactagonal Shop**
    Shop 47: Evil Shop***
    Shop 48: Good Shop***
    Shop 49: Quibble Coinbiter’s Shop***
    Shop 50:
    Shop 51:
    Shop 52: Good/Evil/Sneevil AC Chainsaw Shop^^
    Shop 53: Guardian Shop^^^
    Shop 54: Dragonlord Shop^^^
    Shop 55: Star Captain Shop^^^
    Shop 56: Zio’s Shop***
    Shop 57: Renn’s Shop***
    Shop 58:
    Shop 59: Back-to-School Seasonal Shop***
    Shop 60: Chuckles^^^
    Shop 61: Peacock’s Costume
    Shop 62: Mustard’s Costume
    Shop 63: Plum’s Costume
    Shop 64: Hitchgreen’s Costume
    Shop 65: Scarlet’s Costume
    Shop 66: Whiteberry’s Costume
    Shop 67: Inn Staff***
    Shop 68: Nulgath***
    Shop 69: Suggestion Shop***
    Shop 70: Floor Item Shop #1***
    Shop 71: House Shop**
    Shop 72: Wall Item Shop^^
    Shop 73: Floor Item Shop #2***
    Shop 74: Mage Shop**
    Shop 75:
    Shop 76: MechQuest ArtBook^^^
    Shop 77: The Three Little Wolves Floor And Wall House Item Shop^^
    Shop 78: Black Knight Shop***
    Shop 79: Moon Shop
    Shop 80: Snowbeard Shop**
    Shop 81: Deady Shop^^^
    Shop 82: Drow Shop***
    Shop 83: Mick Guyver House Shop***
    Shop 84: Dwarf War**
    Shop 85:
    Shop 86: Good Alliance Shop
    Shop 87: Evil Alliance Shop
    Shop 88: Good Rep Shop**
    Shop 89: Evil Rep Shop**
    Shop 90: Basic Enhancement Shop**
    Shop 91:
    Shop 92: Pirate House Shop
    Shop 93: Cosplay Shop***
    Shop 94: Ninja Shop***
    Shop 95: Yokai Rep Shop***
    Shop 96: Yokai Isle House
    Shop 97: Yokai Isle Floor Item Shop***
    Shop 98: Mitsu Bishi Shop
    Shop 99: Voltaire Shop^^^
    Shop 100: DoomKnight Shop
    Shop 101: AC DoomKnight Shop
    Shop 102: Canadian Thanksgiving***
    Shop 103: Beckett Shop
    Shop 104: Safiria Mogloween**
    Shop 105:
    Shop 106: Mogloween AC Rare Shop
    Shop 107: Platinum Dragon Shop^^^
    Shop 108: Mummy Mask ’09 Mogloween Rare
    Shop 109:
    Shop 110:
    Shop 111:
    Shop 112: Limited Time Shop***
    Shop 113:
    Shop 114: Turotial Enhancements
    Shop 115:
    Shop 116:
    Shop 117:
    Shop 118: Scroll of Chain Lightning & Health Potion PvP Shop
    Shop 119: Adak’s Shop #1***
    Shop 120: Forge Shop***
    Shop 121: PTR Enhancement 1
    Shop 122: PTR Enhancement 10
    Shop 123: PTR Enhancement 20
    Shop 124:
    Shop 125: Nulgath Painting Shop
    Shop 126: King Coal Shop**
    Shop 127:
    Shop 128:
    Shop 129:
    Shop 130: Shrine Shop***
    Shop 131: Hashi Hime Rep Yokai***
    Shop 132: Chaotic Odokuro Skull House^
    Shop 133: Big Daddy’s Shop***
    Shop 134: Prince Jim’s Shop***
    Shop 135:
    Shop 136: Chinese New Year House Item***
    Shop 137: Year of the Tiger
    Shop 138: Shadowslayer Z Shop**
    Shop 139: Vampire Rep Shop**
    Shop 140:
    Shop 141: Fighter Enhancement Shop**
    Shop 142: Thief Enhancement Shop**
    Shop 143: Hybrid Enhancement Shop**
    Shop 144: Wizard Enhancement Shop**
    Shop 145: Healer Enhancement Shop**
    Shop 146: Spellbreaker Enhancement Shop**
    Shop 147: Lucky Enhancement Shop**
    Shop 148: Armsman Enhancement Shop**
    Shop 149: Reserved Enh Shop 9
    Shop 150:
    Shop 151:
    Shop 152:
    Shop 153:
    Shop 154:
    Shop 155:
    Shop 156:
    Shop 157:
    Shop 158:
    Shop 159:
    Shop 160:
    Shop 161: Lycan Rep Shop**
    Shop 162: Fair Token Shop
    Shop 163: Nulgath Preview%
    Shop 164: Yin^^
    Shop 165: Yang^^
    Shop 166: Safiria House Item Shop^^
    Shop 167: Lycan House Item Shop**
    Shop 168:
    Shop 169:
    Shop 170: Thok’s Shop****
    Shop 171: Thok’s Upgrade Shop**
    Shop 172: Metrea’s Shop
    Shop 173: Metrea’s Upgrade Shop**
    Shop 174: Arcana’s Shop
    Shop 175: Arcana’s Upgrade Shop
    Shop 176: Juvania’s Shop
    Shop 177: Juvania’s Upgrade Shop**
    Shop 178: Mazumi’s Shop
    Shop 179: Artix’s Shop***
    Shop 180: Noob Enh Shop
    Shop 181: PTR Shop**
    Shop 182:
    Shop 183:
    Shop 184: EXP Boost Shop
    Shop 185: Captain Lore’s Shop**
    Shop 186: Mythsong Rep**
    Shop 187: Mythsong Item**
    Shop 188: Mythsong Pet
    Shop 189: Moderator Birthday Shop^^
    Shop 190: Cinco de Mayo Seasonal Shop**
    Shop 191: Mother’s Day***
    Shop 192: Mythsong AC
    Shop 193: Zephyrus ZEUS**
    Shop 194: Bounty Hunter Shop
    Shop 195: Cysero’s Wedding Shop**
    Shop 196: Father’s Day 2010 Shop***
    Shop 197: Zeppelin Shop***
    Shop 198:
    Shop 199: One-Eyed Doll Event Shop**
    Shop 200: Backstage House Items^^
    Shop 201: One-Eyed Doll Merchant Booth
    Shop 202: Hollowsoul Locker
    Shop 203: Independence Day 4th of July Seasonal**
    Shop 204: Hollowsoul Castle and Chroma Theater House Shop
    Shop 205: Green Guitar Shop^^^
    Shop 206: Chicken Cow Shop^^^
    Shop 207: J6 Live Event Shop**
    Shop 208: Great Mogloween Pumpkin
    Shop 209: Friday the 13th Event Rares Shop
    Shop 210:
    Shop 211: Reen’s Potion Shop
    Shop 212: Blakk’s Pets
    Shop 213: Moonwrath’s Items**
    Shop 214: Arcangrove Rep Shop~**
    Shop 215: Undead Warrior Shop
    Shop 216: Undead Legion Shop$
    Shop 217: Mudluk Mushroom Shop
    Shop 218: Brasil Independance Day Rare Shop
    Shop 219: Taco Day Event Shop**
    Shop 220: 2010 Birthday AC Rare Shop
    Shop 221:
    Shop 222: PVP Trophy Shop@**
    Shop 223: Mogloween Seasonal Candy Shop@**
    Shop 224: Rotting Mogloween Pumpkin@
    Shop 225:
    Shop 226: One-Eyed Doll Video Shop
    Shop 227: AE Calendar Shop^^^
    Shop 228: AE Novel Shop^^^
    Shop 229: Hollow Halls Merge Shop@
    Shop 230:
    Shop 231:
    Shop 232:
    Shop 233:
    Shop 234:
    Shop 235: Chaorrupted Northlands Gear@**
    Shop 236: Blinding Snow Shop**
    Shop 237: The Void**
    Shop 238: Undead Legion Merge@**
    Shop 239:
    Shop 240:
    Shop 241:
    Shop 242: Sandsea Rep Shop~***
    Shop 243: Sandsea Pet
    Shop 244: Sandsea House Items***
    Shop 245: Sandsea Food****
    Shop 246:
    Shop 247:
    Shop 248: BattleUnder Merge Shop@**
    Shop 249:
    Shop 250: ED Shirt Shop^^^
    Shop 251:
    Shop 252: Chinese New Year Shop***
    Shop 253: Game Challenge Shop***
    Shop 254:
    Shop 255:
    Shop 256:
    Shop 257:
    Shop 258: Mad Green Inventor Shop
    Shop 259: Skyguard Rep Shop~**
    Shop 260: Skyguard Pet
    Shop 261:
    Shop 262:
    Shop 263: Skyguard Weapons
    Shop 264: The Shop of Horrors@**
    Shop 265: CardClasher Shop^^^
    Shop 266:
    Shop 267: House of Cards^^^
    Shop 268:
    Shop 269:
    Shop 270:
    Shop 271:
    Shop 272: Alina’s Potions and Weapons***
    Shop 273: DoomWood Arena Shop@**
    Shop 274:
    Shop 275:
    Shop 276: DoomWood Challenge
    Shop 277: DoomWood Rep~**
    Shop 278: DoomFood****
    Shop 279: DoomWood Weapons^^
    Shop 280: DoomWood Camouflage
    Shop 281:

    Shop 282: Necromancer Shop
    Shop 283: Zorbak’s Revenge

    Shop 284: Bandit Basher Merge
    Shop 285: Necromancer Class~@
    Shop 286: Dragon Hero Shop
    Shop 287: Stone Paladin Merge Shop@
    Shop 288: Stone Paladin Armor Shop
    Shop 289:
    Shop 290: 15 Month Member Shop^^^
    Shop 291: ShadowFall Merge Shop**
    Shop 292: ArcAttack Event Rares
    Shop 293: VIP Upgrade Shop^^^
    Shop 294: ArcAttack Back Stage
    Shop 295: Gravelyn’s Shop
    Shop 296: Vayle’s Shop
    Shop 297: Zorbak on a Skull Throne
    Shop 298: confuso’s Shop****
    Shop 299: Class Dealer Shop^^
    Shop 300: Bad Ending
    Shop 301: J6 Junkyard@
    Shop 302: Samba Armor Shop@
    Shop 303: Oishii’s Cooking
    Shop 304: Cooking Lessons Shop@
    Shop 305: Painting Shop
    Shop 306: Troll Rep Shop**~
    Shop 307: Bachius’ Weapon Shop**~
    Shop 308: Horc Rep Shop**~
    Shop 309: Sput’s Butcher Shop
    Shop 310: Ghaz’s Weapon Shop**
    Shop 311: Chaos Mod Pack^^^
    Shop 312: DoomWood Mod Pack^^^
    Shop 313: ChronoCorrputor Shop^^^
    Shop 314: Twilly’s Key Shop
    Shop 315: Dragon Con Shop
    Shop 316: Horc War Shop@**
    Shop 317: Troll War Shop@**
    Shop 318: Troll AC Shop
    Shop 319: Horc AC Shop
    Shop 320: PaladinSlayer Class & Helm^^^
    Shop 321: Troll Defiance Shop**
    Shop 322: Horc Defiance Shop**
    Shop 323:
    Shop 324: Vindicator Token Merge@**
    Shop 325: Super Fan Token Shop
    Shop 326: TMBG House Shop***
    Shop 327:
    Shop 328: Adventurer Enhancements**
    Shop 329: Vindicator of They Shop
    Shop 330: Troll Merge Shop@
    Shop 331: Horc Merge Shop@
    Shop 332: X’dir’s Rare Shop^^
    Shop 333:
    Shop 334: Paymentez Shop^^^
    Shop 335:
    Shop 336: Zazul’s Treasure Chest@
    Shop 337:
    Shop 338:
    Shop 339:
    Shop 340:
    Shop 341:
    Shop 342:
    Shop 343:
    Shop 344: Molgulp's Shop
    Shop 345: Ancient Mudluk Forge@
    Shop 346:
    Shop 347: Beleen's Merge Shop@**
    Shop 348: Ducan's Dragonhunter Shop~
    Shop 349: Ferzana's Shop$
    Shop 350: Rakham's Pirate Shop@
    Shop 351: Etherstorm Rep Shop~**
    Shop 352: Friday the 13th AC rare
    Shop 353: Kierk's Tinker Shop@
    Shop 354: Friday the 13th House Shop
    Shop 355: Kage's Shop@
    Shop 356: Dynamite Shop~
    Shop 357: As'iiur's Potions
    Shop 358: Ang'st House Shop****
    Shop 359: Air Rep Shop~**
    Shop 360: Chinese New Year pets
    Shop 361: Agent Sloan's Chest@
    Shop 362: Fishing Gear House shop~
    Shop 363: Fishing Gear~@**
    Shop 364: Water Rep~**
    Shop 365: Cornelis Family Cache$
    Shop 366: Cysero's Lens Shop$
    Shop 367: Lady Azjurai Wedding
    Shop 368: Earth Rep Shop**~
    Shop 369: Legion Soul Shop@
    Shop 370:
    Shop 371: Member Bonus 2K AC Shop%
    Shop 372: Member Bonus 5K AC Shop%
    Shop 373: Member Bonus 12K AC Shop%
    Shop 374: Carnaval!
    Shop 375: SpiritHunter Shop@$
    Shop 376: Dage the Birthday Boy's Shop****
    Shop 377: Etherstorm War Rares
    Shop 378: Etherstorm Good Merge**@
    Shop 379: Australia Day Shop
    Shop 380: Australia Day House Shop
    Shop 381: Cheezburger Trade-In@
    Shop 382: Etherstorm Evil Merge@**
    Shop 383: Desoloth Merge@**
    Shop 384: J6 Shirt Shop^^^%
    Shop 385: The Unbroken Sword
    Shop 386: Dwarven Defense
    Shop 387: Evolved Leprechaun AC Shop
    Shop 388: Magic Thief Rares***
    Shop 389: Magic Thief Rewards***
    Shop 390:
    Shop 391: Blood Ancient Shop@
    Shop 392: EDILCORP Standard Shop

    Última edição por TABLETOP em Sex 6 Abr - 17:02, editado 6 vez(es)
    gato de danera
    gato de danera


    Mensagens : 1

    >>>LISTA DE ID'S DE SHOP'S (At.1/04/2011)<<(FIXO) Empty Re: >>>LISTA DE ID'S DE SHOP'S (At.1/04/2011)<<(FIXO)

    Mensagem por gato de danera Ter 16 Nov - 9:49

    ei qual o numero da quest do dark wolf?


    Mensagens : 737

    Pedras do Fogo Pedras do Fogo: ¹°°°°''

    >>>LISTA DE ID'S DE SHOP'S (At.1/04/2011)<<(FIXO) Empty Re: >>>LISTA DE ID'S DE SHOP'S (At.1/04/2011)<<(FIXO)

    Mensagem por FelipeWinchester Ter 16 Nov - 12:25

    Nao Tenho Certeza. So Procurar. Mas a Quest do Dark wolf e Rara, Nao sei se ainda pode ser feita.
    Isso e uma boa Idea cara... Sabe que nem eu pensaria nisso? XD
    Tbm Vo Tentar Smile



    Mensagens : 1

    >>>LISTA DE ID'S DE SHOP'S (At.1/04/2011)<<(FIXO) Empty Re: >>>LISTA DE ID'S DE SHOP'S (At.1/04/2011)<<(FIXO)

    Mensagem por Punisher Qui 9 Dez - 15:14

    Eu tenho uma pergunta eu estou fasendo a quest bunny bezerker armor - Were Egg para pegar o armor berserk bunny 10.

    E para pegalo eu tenho que fazer uma quest, acho que essa quest foi de um evento da pascoa eu queria saber se eu com a quest aceita o iten ainda droppa no monstro que dava o iten da quest na época do evento . Continua dropando ou nao ? ou ele so droppa quando estiver com evento ?


    Mensagens : 59

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    >>>LISTA DE ID'S DE SHOP'S (At.1/04/2011)<<(FIXO) Empty Re: >>>LISTA DE ID'S DE SHOP'S (At.1/04/2011)<<(FIXO)

    Mensagem por Gabriel[ADM] Sex 10 Dez - 18:34

    Só dropa quando estiver no evento.. e na proxima poste em duvidas.


    Mensagens : 2

    >>>LISTA DE ID'S DE SHOP'S (At.1/04/2011)<<(FIXO) Empty Re: >>>LISTA DE ID'S DE SHOP'S (At.1/04/2011)<<(FIXO)

    Mensagem por chukinorris Qui 16 Dez - 9:08

    Cara voce sabe a quest da berserker bunny da Armor se souber me fala ai Pf preciso dela ;D


    Mensagens : 737

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    >>>LISTA DE ID'S DE SHOP'S (At.1/04/2011)<<(FIXO) Empty Re: >>>LISTA DE ID'S DE SHOP'S (At.1/04/2011)<<(FIXO)

    Mensagem por FelipeWinchester Sex 17 Dez - 9:50

    Postem em Duvidas(2) Meu Amigo -.=
    Procurem ter uma Noção das Coisas... Duvidas em duvidas, Ajudas em Ajudas, Converça em Chat....



    Mensagens : 183

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    >>>LISTA DE ID'S DE SHOP'S (At.1/04/2011)<<(FIXO) Empty Re: >>>LISTA DE ID'S DE SHOP'S (At.1/04/2011)<<(FIXO)

    Mensagem por Bow-Lost Seg 3 Jan - 10:50

    tabletop vc é o cara *-* eu ja fiz um monte de quest e eu quase naum consigo lembra so vendo as vezes mais vc consegue lembra vc é dos bons em Exclamation


    Mensagens : 737

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    >>>LISTA DE ID'S DE SHOP'S (At.1/04/2011)<<(FIXO) Empty Re: >>>LISTA DE ID'S DE SHOP'S (At.1/04/2011)<<(FIXO)

    Mensagem por FelipeWinchester Seg 3 Jan - 13:29

    Comforme vc usa... Vc lembra as coisas mas importantes...


    Mensagens : 183

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    >>>LISTA DE ID'S DE SHOP'S (At.1/04/2011)<<(FIXO) Empty Re: >>>LISTA DE ID'S DE SHOP'S (At.1/04/2011)<<(FIXO)

    Mensagem por Bow-Lost Seg 3 Jan - 13:33

    kkk so vc mesmo


    Mensagens : 12

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    >>>LISTA DE ID'S DE SHOP'S (At.1/04/2011)<<(FIXO) Empty Re: >>>LISTA DE ID'S DE SHOP'S (At.1/04/2011)<<(FIXO)

    Mensagem por breninho Ter 22 Fev - 19:57

    Galera Se fosseis forem menbro vai em /join miltonius mata o ultimo monstro lah
    ele da uma coisa chamada taitend soul e esses taitend soul pode vira o escherion helm ai e so vc ir fazendo quando um monte de coisa de miltonius eu jah ganhei ddog sea armor corpse make blade e o machado gigante de ouro


    Mensagens : 737

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    >>>LISTA DE ID'S DE SHOP'S (At.1/04/2011)<<(FIXO) Empty Re: >>>LISTA DE ID'S DE SHOP'S (At.1/04/2011)<<(FIXO)

    Mensagem por FelipeWinchester Ter 22 Fev - 21:41

    Uhum, Mais tbm tem outra quest alem desta, So não me lembro o ID dela :S

    E uma da Espada e a do Crag Bamboozle...Vou Dar uma Procurada e Te Falo Smile


    Mensagens : 63

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    >>>LISTA DE ID'S DE SHOP'S (At.1/04/2011)<<(FIXO) Empty Re: >>>LISTA DE ID'S DE SHOP'S (At.1/04/2011)<<(FIXO)

    Mensagem por †BrUnO† Ter 8 Mar - 2:24



    Mensagens : 63

    Pedras do Fogo Pedras do Fogo: 1

    >>>LISTA DE ID'S DE SHOP'S (At.1/04/2011)<<(FIXO) Empty Re: >>>LISTA DE ID'S DE SHOP'S (At.1/04/2011)<<(FIXO)

    Mensagem por †BrUnO† Ter 8 Mar - 3:15


    1: First Quest
    2: Chieftain's Head
    3: Chipped Tooth
    4: Hideous Tail
    5: Funny Bone
    6: Porkon's Pride
    7: Zorbak's Reward
    8: Secret Map
    9: Farm Cleanup
    10: Pet Food Delivery
    11: Twilly's New Staff
    12: Rubber Ducky
    13: Rats off To ya!
    14: Specialty Pizza
    15: Defend the Gates
    16: Undead Invasion
    17: Undead slaying-->REMOVED
    18: Evil must be stopped-->REMOVED
    19: I Heal Good-->REMOVED
    20: Robina's Quest
    21: Missing Boxes
    22: Backyard Zards
    23: Garden Snails
    24: Attic Spiders
    25: The Bone?
    26: Tempestuous Times
    27: Willow Creek
    28: Pirate's Treasure
    29: Smells Fishy to Me
    30: Salmagundi
    31: Map Recovery
    32: Defend the Rats
    33: Rats in the Cradle
    35: Short in Spoons
    36: Short in Forks
    37: Letter Interception
    38: Not A Noob
    40: Take Down
    41: Starving Pets
    42: Picky Eaters
    43: Missing Crate
    44: Wildermess
    45: Trobble Bath
    46: Home Sick
    47: Golden Shrooms
    48: Blue Feathers
    49: Flying Tails
    50: Mixing Pot
    51: Hungry for a Recipe
    52: Missing Ingredient
    53: Delicious Ingredient
    54: Recipe Needed
    57: Growing Plants
    58: Storage Speyeders
    59: Can you do it?
    60: Something in the Water
    61: Hair, Tooth and Bone
    62: Ruined Plans
    63: Bait and Switch
    64: Restocking
    65: Spear Sabotage
    66: Retaliation
    67: Camping Out
    71: Unreadable Map
    72: Fising Bait
    73: Darkness Rising
    74: Flood of Power
    75: Trainee
    76: Edurance
    77: Path of the Warrior
    78: Mix it Up!
    79: Shadow Skills
    80: Evade and Counterstrike!
    81: Essential Magics
    82: Glimpse of the Dark Side
    83: Undead Energy
    84: Healer of Knoweldge
    85: White Wizard
    86: Proctection
    90: Ninja Grudge
    91: Without a Trace
    92: Hit Job
    93: Chilling Costume
    94: Candy Basket
    95: Candy Craze
    96: Chocolate Goodness
    97: Lollipop Potion
    98: Mystery Candy
    99: Can't have enough
    100: Stone Endurance
    101: Heart of Stone
    102: Fire Endurance
    103: Burning Heart
    104: Water Endurance
    105: Liquid Soul
    106: Dark Endurance
    107: Heart of Darkness
    109: Dragonbane
    110: Dragon Scales
    111: Dragon Souvenirs
    112: Dragonslayer
    113: Warrior Spirit
    114: Mage Essence
    115: Shadow Hour
    116: Light Ways
    117: Fighting Exercise
    118: Tougher Monsters
    120: Bejeweled Blade
    121: Tainted Claymore
    122: Quadrolithium
    123: Dam Balloons
    124: Bumper Bolts
    125: Mithril Man Batteries
    126: ProtoSartorium Parts
    129: Food Fighter Badge Quest
    130: Scout the Cornycopia
    131: Unboiling Water
    132: The Corn has Ears
    133: An Apple a Day
    134: Whine n' Cheese
    135: Fruit of the Loot
    136: The Turdraken
    139: Pain-Apple!
    140: Squishy Squash!
    141: Ice Cream!
    142: Ring of Pain!
    143: Cholesterious
    144: Murray's Revenge
    145: Crusaders Schmusaders
    146: Bad Captains
    147: Wich Witch is Which
    148: Murray's Hunch
    149: Magic Overload
    150: Magic Decouring Beast!
    151: Grand Inquisitor's Surprise Visitor
    152: Turn Frost Dragon into Dracolich!
    153: Turn Dracolich into Dragon!
    154: Piercing arrows!
    155: Rescue Blizzy
    156: Scary Snow Men
    157: Moglin Popsicles
    158: Crystal Spider
    159: Fluffy Bears
    160: BlueEyed Beast
    161: Trouble Makers
    162: Bad Ice Cream
    163: Greedy Sneevil
    164: Shadow Figure
    165: Dragonslayer Veteran
    166: Dragonslayer Sergeant
    167: Dragonslayer Captain
    168: Dragonslayer Marshal
    169: Dragonslayer Reward
    170: Turn Red Dragon into Dracolich
    171: Turn Dracolich into Red Dragon
    172: Jars of Slime
    173: Sneevil Boxes
    175: Defeat Dogear
    176: Undead Assault (Storyline)
    177: Skull Crusher Mountain (Storyline)
    178: The Undead Giant (Storyline)
    179: Talk to the Knights (Storyline)
    180: Defend the Throne Room (Storyline)
    181: Summoning Complete
    182: Grand Inquisitor's Penance
    183: Enter the Gates
    187: Fire Gem
    194: Zhoom's Quest (Não aceite, Ban instantaneo)
    195: ShadowFall Quest1
    196: ShadowFall Quest2
    198: Slimes on a bridge
    199: Pirate Hat
    200: Pirate Cutlass
    201: Undead Pirate's Guitar
    203: Holy Scuba Gear
    204: Deep Diver Helmet
    205: Braken Bass
    206: Ghost Ship in a Bottle
    207: Trident of Storms
    208: Fishy Guitar
    209: Fishbone Head
    211: Rainbow Rats
    212: Monochrome
    213: Destroy the A.R.C
    214: Frost that Lucky Harms!
    215: Pot of Gold!
    216: The Shoe's News
    217: A Shouemaker's Work is Never Done
    219: The Sabbatia
    220: Grasses
    221: The Spiders have changed
    223: Things that go Bump in the Night
    224: Defend Town
    225: Mega Defenders Medal
    227: Stinging Dagger of Serpents
    228: Royal Blade of Thorns
    229: Staff of the Burning Abyss
    230: Egg Hunt: Vorpal Bunny
    231: Egg Hunt: Backpack
    232: Dagger of Serpents!
    233: Blade of Thorns
    234: Berzerker Bunny Helm: Wooden Egg
    235: Transforming Bunny Spear: Egg Shell
    236: Bunny Berzerker Armor: Were Egg
    237: Bunny on your Back: Quacked Egg
    238: Monday... Bone Mace!
    239: Tuesday... Broom of Doom!
    240: Wednesday... Faerie Sai!
    241: Thursday... Speargun!
    242: Friday... Liquid Hot Magma Axe!
    243: Saturday... Chakram Dagger!
    244: Sunday... Sludge Sword!
    245: Winged Spies
    246: Chaos Prisoners
    247: IMP-possible Task
    248: Far Sighted
    240: Madebyshousen!
    249: Slugfest
    250: Chain Reaction
    251: Epic Drops
    252: Jarring Theft
    253: Don't leave a faerie behind
    254: Let them walk
    255: Tree Hugger
    256: The Second Piece
    257: Ruined Ruins
    258: Blueish Glow
    259: Arm Yourself
    260: You Can't Miss It!
    261: Energize!
    262: Quickdraw
    263: You've Been Framed
    264: Disguise!
    265: To-Go Box
    266: Some Assembly Required
    267: Teleporter Report
    268: Find the Key! (Part One)
    269: Find the Key! (Part Two)
    270: Find the key! (Part Three)
    273: Defender
    274: Mega Defender
    275: Savage Warlord Armor
    276: Horc Hacker
    277: Curve Bladed Polearm
    278: Infantry Pole Axe
    279: Massive Horc Cleaver
    280: Infantry Blade
    281: Horc Mangler
    282: Horc Claw
    283: Steel Chopper
    284: Pactagonal Armet
    285: Cyclops Warlord Helm
    286: Red Eye Staff
    287: Yellow Eye Staff
    288: Horc Club
    289: Undead Infantry Guard
    290: Undead Infantry Armor
    291: Defender's Winged Armet
    292: Pactagonal Defender's Crested Armet
    293: Undead Trooper Guard
    294: Infantry Helm
    295: Dem Bones (Part 1)
    296: Dem Bones (part 2)
    298: Skull Key
    299: Flux Collection
    300: Mega Flux Collection
    301: Warm MILK!
    303: Cup of Tea, please!
    304: Music Box for the Sleepless
    305: Wolves for hire
    306: Blue Green Prints
    307: Brick Head
    308: Vicious Wolves
    309: Smiles to the West, slimes everywhere
    310: Scaly Menace
    311: Overgrown Spiders
    312: Dragon Might
    313: Strange Gel
    314: Terrifying Reptile
    315: The beast with many eyes!
    316: Landing Swords!
    317: Free the sword!
    318: Hardly Suiting Armor
    319: Adorable Sisters
    320: Warm and Furry
    321: Shell Shock
    322: Bear Facts
    323: Give Snowbeard His Gold
    324: The Spittoon Saloon
    325: Bear it all!
    326: Leather Feathers
    327: Follow your Nose!
    328: Alarm a Llama!
    329: Grizzly Situation
    330: Berry Intresting
    331: Squeeze Water from Stone
    332: Carrion Carrying On
    333: Bagged Lunches
    334: Radiant Lamps
    335: Having a Blast!
    336: Secret Weapons
    337: Rock Star
    338: All that glitters...
    339: Gemeralds
    340: Talc to Me
    341: Rock Me Amadeus
    342: What's mine is yours
    343: Upper City Gates
    345: Balance the Scales
    346: Disapoofed
    347: Hoodwinked
    348: Claws For The Cause
    349: Scrambled Eggs
    350: The King's Wings
    351: Bugging Out
    352: Lizard Gizzard
    353: Mock the Lock
    354: Like Butter
    355: Jailhouse Rock
    356: Explosives 101
    357: Big Bada-Boom
    358: Hunger Pains
    359: Lodestone Locater
    360: Dwarf war Defender Medals
    361: Dwarf war Mega Defender Medals
    363: Facing Vath
    364: Youthanize
    365: Rattle Battle
    366: Dangerous Decor
    367: Bone-afide
    368: Sea No Evil
    369: That Hero Who Chases Slimes
    370: Cleanliness Is Next To Kingless
    371: Rumble with Grumble
    372: Tomb with a View
    373: Skele-tongue
    374: Ring Bearer
    375: Skeletal Sabotage
    376: Tunnel of Terror
    377: The Search for the Sword
    378: Pirate Ship Defender
    379: Pirate Ship Mega Defender
    380: Board the Ship
    381: Setting Sail to Yokai
    382: Tournament Finalist
    383: Pockey Challenge
    384: Ninja Challenge
    385: Best Challenge
    386: Lodes of Gold
    387: Gold Digger
    388: Where is Zhoom?
    389: GoldenDefender
    390: Mega Golden Defender
    391: Squash the King
    392: A Bone To Pick
    393: Were are the Wolves
    394: Killer, Chiller, Thriller Here Tonight!
    395: Candy Shop Cutscene
    396: Clearing A Path
    397: Kanthalite-D
    398: Myx It Up
    399: Candy Conundrum
    400: Boos Clues
    401: What's Up, Doc?
    402: Dog Days
    403: Faceless Threat
    404: Faceless Threat
    405: Zodiac Puzzle Key
    406: DT
    407: Hay There!
    408: Got A Light
    409: Epic Gear Solid: Snack Eater
    410: Head Hunting
    411: TestQuest
    412: The Farmer's Cat!
    413: World Wide Web
    414: Cocoon of Doom
    415: A Web of Lies
    416: Tyrantula
    417: Newbie Shop
    418: Newbie Fight
    419: Book of Lore Quest
    420: Unboiled Water
    421: PopRockCorn
    422: Wormscestershire sauce
    423: Cheese n' Whine
    424: Commercial Sword Stage 1
    425: Commercial Sword Stage 2
    426: Commercial Sword Stage 3
    427: Commercial Sword Stage 4
    428: Commercial Sword Stage 5
    429: Turkey go Boom!
    430: Cater To His Every Dish
    xxx: DatapawWolf's Copy Prot +10
    431: Mount Defender
    432: Mount Mega Defender
    433: Ice Cold Heart
    434: A Key Discovery
    435: Frogery
    436: Forging Gemeralds
    437: Element of Surprise
    438: Interrogation
    439: Locked on Combinations
    440: Combo Breaker
    441: Ice Nine
    442: Ice Wyrms
    443: NytheraCutscene
    444: Dueling Dragons
    445: Tipping the Scales
    446: Chest Thumping
    447: Yellow Snow Cone
    448: Cool Down Items
    449: Take a Chill Pill
    450: Defeated 10
    451: Defeated 20
    452: Defeated 30
    453: Defeated 40
    454: Defeated 50
    455: Grem Boss
    456: Twas the night before Frostval
    466: Jinmenju Tree
    467: Yokai Bandits
    468: The Fiery Fiend
    469: Dumpster Diving
    470: Reduce, Respawn, Rescycle
    471: The Hunt for the Had
    472: Big Bad Yokai
    473: Su-she
    474: Kappa Cuisine
    476: Hisssssy Fit
    477: The Purrrfect Crime
    478: The Face Off
    479: Cat-aclysm
    480: Who is the Greatest?
    481: Defeat O-dokuro
    482: Yokai Defender
    483: Yokai Mega Defender
    484: Defeat War Boss Yokai
    485: Fearsome Forest Fabrics
    486: Shadow Embargo
    487: The Water Chestnuts
    488: Defeat Kitsune
    489: Battle Under Battleon
    490: Brace-r Yourself!
    491: Inquisitor Inquiry
    492: Slithering Shadows
    493: Groundhorc's Day
    494: A Grave Mission
    495: Lending A Helping Hand
    496: Bone Appetit
    497: Batting Cage
    498: His Bark Is Worse Than His Blight
    499: Missing Lion
    500: Head of Lettuce
    501: Bad Spirit Away
    502: Lost Celebration Items
    503: Small Red Envelope
    504: Medium Red Envelope
    505: Large Red Envelope
    506: In the Mood
    507: Hedge Trimming
    508: Bear Hugs
    509: Stoopid Kewpid
    510: paper heart
    511: imp ink
    512: heart shaped scale
    513: special delivery
    514: Lil' red
    515: can i axe you something?
    xxx: DatapawWolf's Copy Prot +10
    516: a dire situation
    517: blood, sweat and tears
    518: what a lich!
    519: feeding grounds
    520: going batty
    521: lycan knights
    522: twisted paw
    523: canine canines
    524: dog gone shame
    525: bite is worse than thier bark
    526: a wolf's Tale
    527: a twisted mess
    528: you clicked a button!
    529: sink your teeth in
    530: grounded bats
    531: bats of a leather flock together
    532: pain in the neck
    533: sanguine's terrortory
    534: a gift of meat
    535: no respect
    536: vampire knights
    537: sanguine
    538: golden ticket
    539: golden ticket tier 1
    540: golden ticket tier 2
    541: golden ticket tier 3
    542: golden ticket tier 4
    543: a-maze-ing race
    544: vampire defender
    545: lycan defender
    546: vampire mega defender
    547: lycan mega defender
    548: purified slaymore
    549: void knight deal
    550: dogfight
    551: bone roam
    553: miltonius is kind
    554: the leery contract
    555: supplies to spin the wheel of chance
    556: The assistant
    557: Swindle's Return Policy
    558: Empowering Items
    559: iron wing helm enchant (Evil one)
    560: iron wing helm enchant (Good one)
    561: a sample of twillight
    562: none shall remain!
    563: breaking prawn
    568: bone dust reagent
    569: cube reagent
    570: essence of defeat reagent
    571: imposible,empowered items of miltonius
    572: hex of miltonius
    573: blood of miltonius
    575: fiend of miltonius
    576: shadow of miltonius
    577: hex: the indecisive minion
    578: blood: the indecisive minion
    579: fiend: the indecisive minion
    580: arcane orb
    581: blood orb
    582: primal orb
    583: darkness orb
    584: ordinary cape
    585: cleansing of spinal tap
    586: cursing of spinal tap
    587: spinal tap of miltonius
    588: phoenix blade of miltonius
    589: the weapon parasite
    590: oblivion blade of miltonius
    591: doom worm creepers
    592: GRUMBLE, GRUMBLE...
    593: assistance of miltonius
    594: peace, love, and rock elemental
    595: gearheads, man!
    596: Boogie On!
    599: the dark deal
    600: crag's thirst
    601: voucher item (member)
    602: voucher item (non-member)
    603: daimonds of miltonius sale
    604: purchase drudgen the assistant
    605: drudgen the salesman
    606: purchase sword of miltonius
    607: archfiend cloak
    608: Fired & Re-Hired
    609: Bamboozle vs Drudgen
    610: The Marks
    611: Werepyre Slayer Armor-->Incompletavel
    612: Werepyre Slayer Helm-->Incompletavel
    613: Werepyre Slayer Wings-->Incompletavel
    614: Werepyre Slayer Sword-->Incompletavel
    615: Potion Surplus
    616: Lighting Scrolls Of Lightning
    617: Exp Boost[One-time Quest]
    618: Breaking Wind Turbines
    619: Plant Matters
    620: All Wet
    621: Flame On
    622: Chaos Footprint
    623: Secret Item
    624: Combat Style: Soulreaper of Miltonius
    625: Combat Style: Taro's Manslayer
    627: Combat Style: Champion of Miltonius
    628: Combat Style: Betrayal Blade of Miltonius
    629: Combat Style: Dragonbone Axe
    631: Combat Style: Dread Saw of Miltonnius
    632: Combat Style: Tainted Claymore
    633: Pet Shop Toys
    634: HPbreaker
    635: Seek and Destroy
    636: Bad Reputaion
    637: Combat Style: Purified Claymore
    638: Fiend Face
    639: Blood Guard
    640: Hex Mask
    641: Shadow Guard
    642: Miltonius
    643: Hidden Edge
    644: Victims of Circumstance
    645: The Four Horsemen
    646: Crit'em with your best shot
    647: REP Speedwagon
    648: Stairway to Haven
    649: Rolling Stones
    650: Light my Fire
    651: Knockin' on haven's door
    652: Practice makes Perfect Bottle
    653: Tap that Cactuse
    654: Get me that Recipe!
    655: Tip Out
    656: juice on the Loose
    657: Bottle Trade
    658: Staying Alive
    659: Killer Queen
    660: Satisfaction
    661: Dance, Dance, Dance
    662: Fiend Claws
    663: Blood Blades
    664: Hexing Staff
    665: Piercing Shadow
    666: Ungodly items of Miltonius
    667: Tainted Claw
    668: Purified Claw
    669: Void Knight Deal (Temporary Quest)
    670: Blood Orb (Temporary Quest)
    671: Arcane Orb (Temporary Quest)
    672: Primal Orb (Temporary Quest)
    673: Shadow Orb (Temporary Quest)
    679: Lend A Helping Handkerchief!
    680: Two Eyes
    681: Beards Rule!
    682: Fancied Feather
    683: Requesting a Request
    684: Watch Out!
    685: Legendary Quest of Adventure
    686: Classic Hack-n-Slash
    687: Yeah, another quest
    688: Insert Quest Title Here
    689: Key of Life
    690: Key of Dreams
    691: Key of Thought
    692: Key of The Void
    695: Birds on a Train
    696: Ticklish Zorbo Pet
    697: Ticklish Zorbo Sword
    698: Mission1
    700: The Ring's The Thing
    701: Optimus Slime
    702: Ore Else
    703: The Softest Card
    704: Boil it, mash it, put it in a stew...
    705: Music Defender
    706: Mega Music Defender
    707: Mythsong War Cutscene\
    708: Rode the Lightning and then some (Apenas uma vez, 1000 mythsong rep.)
    709: Pony Gary Yellow
    710: Kimberly
    711: Turn out the lights.
    712: Warm Up? No, warm down.
    713: This is Key
    714: I Love The Keys
    715: Off Key
    716: We're Going To Need A Bigger Key
    717: Property Appraiser
    718: Pain in the Grass
    719: Dust Busting
    720: Cat-astrophe
    721: Skynner's List
    722: A Mushy Situation
    723: W-Tea F
    724: A Skunkweed By Any Other Name...
    725: There Is No Spoon
    726: Totem of Miltonius
    727: Blood Orb
    728: Arcane Orb
    729: Primal Orb
    730: Shadow Orb
    731: Void Knight Deal
    732: Combat Style: Dual Betrayal Blade
    733: Combat Style: Betrayal Blade of Miltonius
    734: Combat Style: Dual Bread Saw
    735: Combat Style: Dread Saw of Miltonius
    736: Oblivion Blade of Miltonius
    737: Spare Parts
    738: 4 Trophy Prizes
    739: 20 Trophy Prizes
    740: 50 Trophy Prizes
    741: 100 Trophy Prizes
    742: 150 Trophy Prizes
    743: Racer
    744: Trophy Reward 5
    745: Trophy Reward 7
    746: Trophy Reward 10
    747: Andre Defeated
    748: Flea be Gone
    749: Free the Key
    750: Listen to George Lowe's story
    751: Free Slime-Girls
    752: Free Slime-Boys
    753: Slime dress-up
    754: Slime-Warlic Info
    755: Gather Salt
    756: Defeat the giant Slob
    757: The first 6 chapters
    758: The last 6 chapters
    759: The Glossary
    760: The Book's Cover
    761: Dream-Maze
    762: Big Bad Kweueger Man
    763: George Lowe-viathan
    764: Super George Lowe-viathan
    765: Twisted Items of Miltonius
    766: Dragonblade of Miltonius
    767: Warden of Light Armor
    768: Conqueror of Shadow Armor
    769: Light Warden Helm
    770: Shadow Conqueror Helm
    771: Behemoth Blade of Light
    772: Behemoth Blade of Shadow
    773: Divine Retribution
    774: Legendary Retribution
    775: Infamous Revenge
    776: Venemous Shadow Blade
    777: Masculine Helm of Glory
    778: Feminine Helm of Glory
    779: Bearded Helm of Glory
    780: The Armet of the Afterlife
    781: Steel Afterlife
    782: Bearded Armet of the Afterlife
    783: Ultimate Victory Armet
    784: Helm of Ultimate Victory
    785: Basic War Sword
    786: Roasted Marshmallow on a Stick
    787: Nuked Marshmallow
    788: Make a Marshmallow on a Stick
    789: Undead Champion Initiation
    790: Mourn the Soldiers
    791: Understanding Undead Champions
    792: Player vs Power
    793: Hail to the King
    794: A Necessary Sacrifice
    795: Gorillaphant Poaching
    796: Mustard and Pretzel Root
    797: Thyme and a Half
    798: Thistle Do Nicely
    799: Pleased to Meat You
    800: Arcan Robe
    801: Ebony and Ivory Tusks
    802: Experiment 107: Elder's Blood Potion
    803: Experiment 231: Sparrow Blood Potion
    804: Experiment 808: Viper's Blood Potion
    805: Observing the Observatory
    806: Ewa the Treekeeper
    807: Bear Necessities of LifeRoot
    808: Acorny Quest
    809: Ravenloss
    810: It's A Bough-t Time
    811: Wendigo Whereabouts
    812: Sprig Cleaning
    813: Find Paddy Lump
    814: Toothy Smiles
    815: Slimy Cyrus
    816: Lord of the Fleas(Kill the big guys in Arcangrove)
    817: Not The Best Idea
    818: Gates and Guardians
    819: Scales and Tails
    820: Omnomnoms
    821: Legion Exercise Number 1
    822: Legion Exercise Number 2
    823: Legion Exercise Number 3
    824: Legion Exercise Number 4
    825: Water You Waiting For--Find Nisse
    826: Dive Right In
    827: Seafood Diet
    828: Mercenaries
    829: Synchronized Slaying
    830: The Deep End
    831: Find Umbra, The Master Shaman
    832: The Root of Elementals
    833: Eupotamic Elementals
    834: Breaking Wind Elementals
    835: Fight Fire With Fire Salamanders
    836: Guardian of the Gilead Wrap
    837: Juggernaut Items of Miltonius
    838: Find Felsic the Magma Golem
    839: Liquid Hot Magma Maggots
    840: Scorched Serpents
    841: Playing With Living Fire
    842: Kindling Relationship
    843: Obey Your Thirst For Adventure
    844: Captain Falcons
    845: Big, Bad, And Baddest Bosses
    846: The Great Mana Golem
    847: Chaos Lord Ledgermayne
    848: Feed Me*
    849: Tacomancer Armor!
    850: Follow Paul and Storm to the Mirror Realm
    851: Get the List!
    852: Clear a Path to Safiria
    853: Impress the Queen of the Vamp...I mean. Werewolves
    854: A Gift of Silver
    855: Crown of Blood
    856: Ear-Responsible
    857: A Carton of Chaos
    858: Free the Poultry
    859: Defeat Nugget Man
    860: Collect Samples, Defeat 10 Wolves
    861: Thin the Ranks
    862: Defeat the Lieutenant, Scarface
    863: Locate the Lords Of Order
    864: Defeat Undead Artix
    865: The Multiverse is Safe
    866: A Timely Meating*
    867: Hire Mini Miltonius*
    868: Miltonius
    869: Diamond Exchange
    870: Contract Exchange
    871: Investigate the Farmhouse
    872: Children of Chaos
    873: Where is that Barn Key?
    874: Investigate the Barn
    875: Malik-EYE is so Grounded
    876: Clearing the Candy Corn Field
    877: So Sick of EYE-Sac
    878: She Who Walks Behind The Stalks
    879: Candy Corn
    880: Mogloween Defender
    881: Mega Mogloween Defender
    882: Skull Of A Lich*
    883: Fiends in High Places
    884: A Whirled Wide Traveler
    885: Boiler Spoiler
    886: This Fight Will Dragon
    887: Things Are Looking Up
    888: Don't Get Mad, Get Gladius
    889: Gel-Oh-No Box
    890: Cyser-no!
    891: Pink Balloon of Doom
    892: The Hundred Foot Tall Twilly
    893: Turtle Shells Pop Balloons*
    894: Make things Pop with a Sentry Bot*
    895: Web Broswing for Balloons*
    896: Complete Airheads*
    897: The Final Pilgrimage*
    898: Chasing After a Girl
    899: Tracking Down Nythera
    900: Searching for Splinters
    901: A-Void-ing The Larva
    902: Spawn Point
    903: Null and Void Spheres
    904: Enter the Great Void Dragon's Lair
    905: Spirit Abducted
    906: Shaking the Globes
    907: A Demonstration
    908: Hearts of Ice
    909: Defeat Garaja
    910: Springing Traps
    911: Frost Lions
    912: Onslaught Keyrings
    913: Defeat Lionfang
    914: Tinsel's Armor Gift
    915: Tinsel's Helm Gift

    *=Requer Upgrade
    Hacker para carrega os quest


    Mensagens : 737

    Pedras do Fogo Pedras do Fogo: ¹°°°°''

    >>>LISTA DE ID'S DE SHOP'S (At.1/04/2011)<<(FIXO) Empty Re: >>>LISTA DE ID'S DE SHOP'S (At.1/04/2011)<<(FIXO)

    Mensagem por FelipeWinchester Ter 8 Mar - 14:05

    O shop de ano novo nao esta mais disponivel, agora os shops rares sao deletados e o Id vai junto, Por isso nem estou atualizando mais shop's, Nao vale a pena, Quem comprou comprou :s (Eu tenho a classe de ano novo mais acabou meu member .-.)


    Mensagens : 6

    >>>LISTA DE ID'S DE SHOP'S (At.1/04/2011)<<(FIXO) Empty Re: >>>LISTA DE ID'S DE SHOP'S (At.1/04/2011)<<(FIXO)

    Mensagem por oskronos Sáb 7 maio - 13:25

    cara quero saber se existe aguma id de enhacements de lv 30


    Mensagens : 149

    Pedras do Fogo Pedras do Fogo: 9000000000000000000000000

    >>>LISTA DE ID'S DE SHOP'S (At.1/04/2011)<<(FIXO) Empty Re: >>>LISTA DE ID'S DE SHOP'S (At.1/04/2011)<<(FIXO)

    Mensagem por Brunoshippuden2 Ter 17 maio - 0:16

    Existe se você for nível 30, vc pode procurar no trainers,yulgar e etc Surprised


    Mensagens : 63

    Pedras do Fogo Pedras do Fogo: 1

    >>>LISTA DE ID'S DE SHOP'S (At.1/04/2011)<<(FIXO) Empty Re: >>>LISTA DE ID'S DE SHOP'S (At.1/04/2011)<<(FIXO)

    Mensagem por †BrUnO† Ter 17 maio - 2:02

    o brunoharanha enhacements ja sairam bom vc pode pega os de PTR(Shop Loader) mas vão ate o lvl 20 senão me engano ou procurar nos comuns tipo luck,thief,fight entre outros bom tem o novo hacker AQWInovate que tem lag 5% você abre automaticamente as salas pvp em 1:00h consegui 278 trofeis mas se vc tiver sorte vc pega lvl 35 e uns 1000 trofeis em 2 ou 3 horas...


    Mensagens : 16

    Pedras do Fogo Pedras do Fogo: 1

    >>>LISTA DE ID'S DE SHOP'S (At.1/04/2011)<<(FIXO) Empty Re: >>>LISTA DE ID'S DE SHOP'S (At.1/04/2011)<<(FIXO)

    Mensagem por Teylos Ter 17 maio - 16:46

    o melhor postador do seculo LOL *-*


    Mensagens : 97

    Pedras do Fogo Pedras do Fogo: 100

    >>>LISTA DE ID'S DE SHOP'S (At.1/04/2011)<<(FIXO) Empty Re: >>>LISTA DE ID'S DE SHOP'S (At.1/04/2011)<<(FIXO)

    Mensagem por Guexmaxine Ter 17 maio - 16:50

    tá ná hora de atualizar '-'


    Mensagens : 97

    Pedras do Fogo Pedras do Fogo: 100

    >>>LISTA DE ID'S DE SHOP'S (At.1/04/2011)<<(FIXO) Empty Re: >>>LISTA DE ID'S DE SHOP'S (At.1/04/2011)<<(FIXO)

    Mensagem por Guexmaxine Ter 17 maio - 16:55

    βɾʋɳσ ᴿᴬᵂᴿ escreveu:o brunoharanha enhacements ja sairam bom vc pode pega os de PTR(Shop Loader) mas vão ate o lvl 20 senão me engano ou procurar nos comuns tipo luck,thief,fight entre outros bom tem o novo hacker AQWInovate que tem lag 5% você abre automaticamente as salas pvp em 1:00h consegui 278 trofeis mas se vc tiver sorte vc pega lvl 35 e uns 1000 trofeis em 2 ou 3 horas...

    Que trainer é esse qe eu nunk vi?


    Mensagens : 149

    Pedras do Fogo Pedras do Fogo: 9000000000000000000000000

    >>>LISTA DE ID'S DE SHOP'S (At.1/04/2011)<<(FIXO) Empty Re: >>>LISTA DE ID'S DE SHOP'S (At.1/04/2011)<<(FIXO)

    Mensagem por Brunoshippuden2 Ter 17 maio - 18:09

    Nem eu por isso que nem falei nada ..


    Mensagens : 223

    Pedras do Fogo Pedras do Fogo: 10002000

    >>>LISTA DE ID'S DE SHOP'S (At.1/04/2011)<<(FIXO) Empty Re: >>>LISTA DE ID'S DE SHOP'S (At.1/04/2011)<<(FIXO)

    Mensagem por Thrasher Dom 22 maio - 17:41

    NOssa cara ajudou bastante vlws ^^


    Mensagens : 119

    Pedras do Fogo Pedras do Fogo: 1

    >>>LISTA DE ID'S DE SHOP'S (At.1/04/2011)<<(FIXO) Empty Re: >>>LISTA DE ID'S DE SHOP'S (At.1/04/2011)<<(FIXO)

    Mensagem por Deidara Dom 10 Jul - 22:56

    Thrasher q programa é esse? lolz kkkk


    Mensagens : 737

    Pedras do Fogo Pedras do Fogo: ¹°°°°''

    >>>LISTA DE ID'S DE SHOP'S (At.1/04/2011)<<(FIXO) Empty Re: >>>LISTA DE ID'S DE SHOP'S (At.1/04/2011)<<(FIXO)

    Mensagem por FelipeWinchester Sáb 19 Nov - 19:46

    Atualizado dia 15/11/2011!

    Conteúdo patrocinado

    >>>LISTA DE ID'S DE SHOP'S (At.1/04/2011)<<(FIXO) Empty Re: >>>LISTA DE ID'S DE SHOP'S (At.1/04/2011)<<(FIXO)

    Mensagem por Conteúdo patrocinado

      Data/hora atual: Sáb 27 Abr - 0:57